Our efforts on Tuesday night have produced a commitment from the Lord Mayor for an extended period of meaningful consultation. The ABC quotes the Lord Mayor as saying:
"There is absolutely no decision until we have this full public consultation and that's what should have happened in the first place ... That's what we've achieved and I think that's a good result. We'll be able to work with the community rather than tell the community what should happen."
Let's take him at his word, and ensure that local residents and users of the pool can have a genuine say, and exert some influence, over how this public facility can be improved for the good of the community.
"There is absolutely no decision until we have this full public consultation and that's what should have happened in the first place ... That's what we've achieved and I think that's a good result. We'll be able to work with the community rather than tell the community what should happen."
Let's take him at his word, and ensure that local residents and users of the pool can have a genuine say, and exert some influence, over how this public facility can be improved for the good of the community.